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Short (one-week) courses given by invitation:

Software Engineering for Ubiquitous Systems. M.Sc. program for Computer Science, University of Granada - Spain. 26-27th of April, 2016.

Software Engineering for Ubiquitous Systems. M.Sc. program for Computer Science, University of Granada - Spain. 22-23th of May, 2014.


Recent Advances in Engineering Ubiquitous systems for AAL. "Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories" (GENIL), University of Granada - Spain. 2-6th of September, 2013.

Ubiquitous Computing (Problems, tools and perspectives). Master Program on Ubiquitous Computing, University of Murcia- Spain. 3-5 May, 2011.


Ubiquitous Computing. Master Program on Software Development, University of Granada - Spain. 13-17th of December, 2010.


Formal Methods in Software Engineering. Ph.D. Summer School on Formal Analysis Approaches in Informatics, Druskininkai - Lithuania. 14-19th of May, 2007. Supported by InMADra - EU Structural Fund Project.


Artificial Intelligence in Hazardous Applications, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México, 2004.


Specifying and Verifying Temporal Properties in Real Time Systems. Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina, 2001.


Temporal Logics from a Computational Perspective, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina, 1999.


Temporal Information Based Systems, Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto, Argentina, 1998.

Temporal Logics and Applications, Universidad Nacional de Neuquén, Argentina, 1998.

I have been invited to provide the following:

© JC Augusto 11/11/2011

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