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"Smart Cities and Climate Change", part of the 2022 International Program of Talks on Climate Change and Food Autonomy, organized by Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico (campus Colima y Ciudad Guzman) and Universidad de Colima. 6th of May 2022.

"An Integrated Approach to Ambient Assisted Living services", invited lecture at the WideHealth Winter School on e-Health and Pervasive Technologies. February 15, 2022, Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM), North Macedonia.


"An Overview of Ambient Intelligence", given at University of Aston, 16th of June, 2021.

"Living Well with Dementia" invited talk as part of 'Living Well: health, wellbeing and the built environment (@MoDAMuseum)', 10th of February 2019, at Middlesex University, in collaboration with colleague Jill Stewart.

"Los Entornos Inteligentes como expresion de la Inteligencia Articial (Intelligent Environments as an expresion of Articial Intelligence), to be given at Universidad Catolica de Murcia, April 2018.

"Embedding User Preferences in Intelligent Environments", given at University of Essex, 22nd of February, 2017.


"Co-creation in Ambient Assisted Living Projects", in 'Made in Brunel Talks' 2016 - 'Technology-led and Human-centred Solutions for the Ageing Population', 17th June 2016, OXO Tower Wharf, London.


"Context-Aware Reasoning", given at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. 7th of May, 2015.


"Challenges in Developing the Next Generation of Intelligent Environments", given at Anglia Ruskin University, Computer Science Research Seminar Series. 29th of April, 2015.


"Challenges in Developing the Next Generation of Intelligent Environments", given at Queen Mary University of London as part of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Series. 18th of February, 2015.


"AAL4DS (Can AAL Technology Help People with Down Syndrome to Live Better Lives?)" given during session 'Social Innovation: connecting the dots...' in AALForum2012, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 26th of September, 2012.


"Ambient Intelligence: state of the art and challenges". Research Seminars Program for Engineering in Informatics and Telecommunications (2008-2009), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). 21st of April, 2009.


Summer School on Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligent Environments, Almuñecar, Spain, July 7-11, 2008.


"Temporal Reasoning: Basic Concepts and Some Areas of Application" and "Temporal Reasoning Applied to the Development of Software for Smart Homes". Video-conference. Venue: Universidad de Chile - Videoconference. 24th of June, 2005.


Truly `Smart Homes' for eHealth, Ulster Institute of eHealth and The Beeches Management Centre, UK. November 5, 2004.


The Role of Formal Methods in Software Quality (in Spanish), Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain. November 24, 2004.

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© JC Augusto 11/11/2011

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