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Ph.D. Opportunities

Along my career I have advised and contributed to the formation of a substantial number of Ph.D. students. I have also been internal or external examiner for a substantial number of European Ph.D. students (see* below for a, possibly incomplete, list).

Prospective Ph. D. students wishing to enrol in a postgraduate research program under my supervision can contact me by email at any time to discuss potential topics of research and funding options. I am mostly expecting students in the areas of context-awareness, ambient intelligence, ambient assisted living, smart homes, smart education and the artificial intelligence and software engineering techniques which can be applied to those but if you have a topic in an area not listed above but still closely related let me know and we can discuss whether it is suitable.


I can offer a significant list of fundamental problems suitable for research focused on the use of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering in Intelligent Environments, both at abstract and applied levels.


These areas offer interesting innovation challenges which can support your future career in industry and academy.

More on my work can be found through:

Google Scholar, Arnet Miner, CS Authors Semantic Scholar, and Thomson Reuters' Web of Knowledge (subscription required).

See also our funding opportunities for postgraduate research at Middlesex University

(*) Supervision to completion of Postgraduate Researchers (a.k.a. Ph.D. Students): Almaas Ali, Adityarajsingh Santokhee, Nawa Sakanga, Shabih Fatima, Godwin Okechukwu Ogbuabor, Murad Ali, Chimezie Leonard Oguego, Mario Quinde, Unai Alegre Ibarra, Lindsey Brodie, Yu Huang,  Shuwei Chen, James McNaull, Zhirui Lu, and Asier Aztiria.

Also a good number of now colleagues, visited me as part of their PhD training (apologies if I forgot someone): Adrián Bazán Muñoz, Khamssa Chouchane, Daniele Sora, Dario Di Mauro, Doris Caliz, Javier Vales Alonso, Alessandro Testa, Gonzalo Espejo, Javier Martínez Fernández, Joselito Medina Marin, and Muñoz Ortega.

External Examiner at Ph.D. Defences:  Ihsane Gryech (Morocco), Silvia Rus (Germany), Dennis Sprute (Germany), Juan Pablo Zaenz Moreno (Italy), Gabriel Guerrero-Contreras (Spain), Juan Carlos Torrado Vidal (Spain), Mario Vega-Barbas (Spain), Javier Gomez Escribano (Spain), Hristijan Gjoreski (Slovenia), Carlos Rodrıguez-Domınguez (Spain), Tomas Ruiz-Lopez (Spain), Matthew Ball (UK), Luis Eduardo Mendoza Morales (Spain),  Zulfiqar Memon (The Netherlands),  Manuel Garcıa Herranz del Olmo (Spain), Andres Flores (Spain), Victor Zamudio (UK), John O’Donoghue (Republic of Ireland).

Supervisions to completion of Master by Research projects: Omer Faruk Kacar, Povilas Urbonas, Ondrej Benes,  Jose Gines Gimenez Manuel,  Abdullah Mohammedi, Bertosz Nowak, Puja Varsani, Unai Alegre Ibarra, Gonzalo Espejo, Zhirui Lu, Arthur McFall, Jose Pasciaroni,  Marıa Laura Cobo.

© JC Augusto 11/11/2011

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