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Workshop Papers 2020-... (all peer-reviewed)

I have contributed with more than 280 publications, most of which are listed in this section. Many of the most recent ones can be downloaded, if you need any of the papers which is not available for downloading, let me know ...

Generating Data in an Intelligent Environment and Systematically Predicting User Activity via Bluetooth Low Energy Beacons and Machine Learning, Stefan Michael Anthony Benedict, Juan Carlos Augusto, Omer Faruk Kacar. “Combined Proceedings
of Workshops, and Demos & Videos” at 20th International Conference on Intelligent Environments. Ljubliana, Slovenia. 17-20 of June 2024. Sage/IOS Press.

Quality Traceability for User-centric Context-aware Systems in Intelligent Environments. Nawa Sakanga, Juan Carlos Augusto, Lindsey Brodie, and Liza Marzano. Proceedings of Internet of Healthcare Things Workshop, co-located with IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things 26th of October − 11th of November 2022, Yokohama, Japan. (PDF available, request by email)

Engineering Context Updates. Juan Carlos Augusto. Proceedings of Citizen-Centric Smart Cities Services Workshop (CCSCS’2022). Biarritz, France. 20-21 of June, 2022. (PDF available, request by email)

Gamification for healthier lifestyle – User Retention. Shabih Fatima, Juan Carlos Augusto, Ralph Moseley, Povilas Urbonas.  Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Smart Data Integration and Processing on Service Based Environments (STRAPS2021). In conjunction with ICSOC2021, Zayed University, Academic City, Dubai, UAE. 22 November 2021. (PDF available, request by email)

A smart campus template. Juan Carlos Augusto. Workshops Proceedings – The 17th international conference on intelligent environments (IE2021) – IEB’21 workshop. Intelligent environments and buildings. In: IEB ’21 – 3rd workshop, 21 Jun 2021, Dubai, UAE.
(PDF available, request by email)

Context-aware Approach for Cardiac Rehabilitation Monitoring Godwin Okechukwu Ogbuabor, Juan C. Augusto, Ralph Moseley, and Alechia van Wyk. Proceedings of Citizen-Centric Smart Cities Services (CCSCS’2020) Workshop 20-21 July, Madrid, Spain. (PDF available, request by email)

Managing Preference Profiles in Multi-user Intelligent Environments Juan Carlos Augusto and Andres Munoz. Proceedings of Citizen-Centric Smart Cities Services (CCSCS’2020) Workshop 20-21 July, Madrid, Spain. (PDF available, request by email)

© JC Augusto 11/11/2011

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